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The Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR), the oldest interfaith peace and justice group in the United States, in conjunction with Interfaith Communities United for Peace and Justice of Los Angeles, hosted a special breakfast meeting on February 9, 2018 with Puerto Rican leader Oscar
The Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR), the oldest interfaith peace and justice group in the United States, in conjunction with Interfaith Communities United for Peace and Justice of Los Angeles, hosted a special breakfast meeting on February 9, 2018 with Puerto Rican leader Oscar
The Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR), the oldest interfaith peace and justice group in the United States, in conjunction with Interfaith Communities United for Peace and Justice of Los Angeles, hosted a special breakfast meeting on February 9, 2018 with Puerto Rican leader Oscar
{Ed. Note: The recent death of Gene Sharp, the renowned strategist and thinker on active nonviolence, provokes us to newly consider his writings and teachings. René Wadlow revisits an essay he originally wrote during the period of the Arab Spring revolutions,
{Ed. Note: The recent death of Gene Sharp, the renowned strategist and thinker on active nonviolence, provokes us to newly consider his writings and teachings. René Wadlow revisits an essay he originally wrote during the period of the Arab Spring revolutions,
The Fellowship of Reconciliation is a national endorsing organization of the new Poor People’s Campaign, and FOR is excited to partner with and promote this timely, resonant campaign led and organized by grassroots, working-class peoples’ movements throughout the United States.
The Fellowship of Reconciliation is a national endorsing organization of the new Poor People’s Campaign, and FOR is excited to partner with and promote this timely, resonant campaign led and organized by grassroots, working-class peoples’ movements throughout the United States.
The Fellowship of Reconciliation is a national endorsing organization of the new Poor People’s Campaign, and FOR is excited to partner with and promote this timely, resonant campaign led and organized by grassroots, working-class peoples’ movements throughout the United States.
ASH WEDNESDAY 2018 The “New Normal” Strategy Just Expired. America has been under the assumption that school shootings will just stop. So – Sandy Hook didn’t happen? And – Virginia Tech an aberration? Then – Columbine a myth? Second Amendment
ASH WEDNESDAY 2018 The “New Normal” Strategy Just Expired. America has been under the assumption that school shootings will just stop. So – Sandy Hook didn’t happen? And – Virginia Tech an aberration? Then – Columbine a myth? Second Amendment
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