
Mashhaddemonstrationcondemning2017 18unrest

Who Is Responsible for the Protests in Iran?

In the final days of 2017, a series of anti-government rallies took place in Iran, taking by surprise both international observers and the Iranian society. Some argue the root cause was the nation’s poor economy and financial difficulties, while others

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Mashhaddemonstrationcondemning2017 18unrest

Who Is Responsible for the Protests in Iran?

In the final days of 2017, a series of anti-government rallies took place in Iran, taking by surprise both international observers and the Iranian society. Some argue the root cause was the nation’s poor economy and financial difficulties, while others

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Revolutionary Nonviolence and Dialectical Thinking

By Matt Meyer   Dialectics can help sharpen our strategies, intensify our struggles, and push us past seemingly intractable odds. Simply put, dialectics are the ways in which our many truths and definitions of the world—including and sometimes especially our

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Morocco Oct2016protest

Solidarity with the Nonviolent Protesters in Morocco

By the Atlanta Chapter of the Fellowship of Reconciliation A solidarity statement issued on July 30, 2017 The Fellowship of Reconciliation is an organization dedicated to the struggles of nonviolence. Momentous organizing is happening in Al Hoceima, Morocco—the result of

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Morocco Oct2016protest

Solidarity with the Nonviolent Protesters in Morocco

By the Atlanta Chapter of the Fellowship of Reconciliation A solidarity statement issued on July 30, 2017 The Fellowship of Reconciliation is an organization dedicated to the struggles of nonviolence. Momentous organizing is happening in Al Hoceima, Morocco—the result of

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Zosia Peace

FOR’s Fab Five: Introducing our Summer 2017 Interns!

During a season of organizational transition, our national team at the Fellowship of Reconciliation find our work grounded by the blessing of five outstanding young adults serving as summer interns. Partway through their summer of living and working at FOR’s

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Zosia Peace

FOR’s Fab Five: Introducing our Summer 2017 Interns!

During a season of organizational transition, our national team at the Fellowship of Reconciliation find our work grounded by the blessing of five outstanding young adults serving as summer interns. Partway through their summer of living and working at FOR’s

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