The The 5 Powers Revolution film and accompanying comic book tells the story of Thich Nhat Hanh, FOR-USA’s Alfred Hassler, and Sister Chan Khong, and their work with Dr. King in planting seeds of peace in the mud of war. The film and comic book were made in collaboration with Thich Nhat Hanh.

For more information about how rent, purchase, or screen go to, or email [email protected].

A percentage of proceeds benefit both the Thich Nhat Hanh Foundation and FOR-USA.

“The 5 Powers Revolution” Discussion Guide

FOR-USA has developed a free guide with questions for reflection and discussion regarding the The 5 Powers Revolution comic book. We invite you to download it here and use it.

Talk back panel after the Live Worldwide Online Premiere

On June 2, 2022 FOR-USA partnered with the Thich Nhat Hanh Foundation to present the Online World Premiere of the The 5 Powers Revolution film. The screening–video below–was followed by a live panel discussion with…

Brother Phap Dung, dharma teacher of Deer Park Monastery in California;

Laura Hassler, Alfred Hassler’s daughter and Executive Director of Musicians Without Borders;

Noam Dromi, Emmy Award winning film-maker;

Dr. Anthony Nicotera, Interim Co-Executive of FOR and one of the film’s producers; and

Gregory Kennedy, the film’s creator, co-director, and producer.

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