FOR-USA endeavors to…

LGBT love wins

Identify with those of every nation, race, gender, sexual orientation and religion who are the victims of injustice and exploitation, and seek to develop resources of active nonviolence to transform such circumstances.​


Refuse to participate in any war or to sanction military preparations; work to abolish war and promote good will among races, nations and classes.​

stop toxic masculinity QRLDCTY

Build a social order that will utilize the resources of human ingenuity and wisdom for the benefit of all, an order in which no individual or group will be exploited or oppressed for the profit or pleasure of others.

A man arrest in the jail

Advocate fair and compassionate methods of dealing with offenders against society; they also serve as advocates for victims of crime and their families who suffer loss and emotional anguish, recognizing that restitution and reconciliation can help to heal both victims and offenders.​

im muslim dont panic QV DSC

Respect all people and all of creation.

Families belong together rally, protest! Nominated :)

Reconcile bitterness and contention in dealing with controversy, and to maintain the spirit of self-giving love while engaged in the effort to achieve these purposes.