By the Atlanta Chapter of the Fellowship of Reconciliation

A solidarity statement issued on July 30, 2017

The Fellowship of Reconciliation is an organization dedicated to the struggles of nonviolence. Momentous organizing is happening in Al Hoceima, Morocco—the result of months of action and sacrifice. We stand in full solidarity with the protestors there.

Specifically, we support their struggle against societal injustice and police brutality. Here in the United States, oppressed people have struggled against injustice and brutality, too. We understand that the nonviolent struggle in Al Hoceima is connected to a history of the state for decades failing to provide for the Rif region.

Along with thousands globally, we decry the unjust arrests of protestors there, and the arrest of the leader of the Rif Movement. The protests are right in their demands for true societal change. We urge that the protestors’ demands be granted and protestors unjustly incarcerated be released.

Morocco protest in October 2016

For more information (recent news articles compiled by FOR-USA to provide background to this statement):

Image capture from October 2016 protests in Al Hoceima, courtesy of video by arm News (Creative Commons).