
Robert W. Two Bulls



Bio of Robert W. Two Bulls

I was born in western South Dakota, spending my first two decades of life on and off the Pine Ridge Reservation. I am an enrolled member of the Oglala Lakota Oyate. In 1990 I married my wife Ritchie, an art therapist, in Washington, DC. We have two young adult children. My son is in law school and my daughter sings in a rock band and creates jewelry.


Over the past thirty-seven years I have lived, studied and worked on both coasts (DC/NYC/LA) and since 2006 have resided on the southside of Minneapolis, MN. I was ordained to the priesthood in the Episcopal Church in 2001. The work I have done since the 80′ s has been primarily within the Episcopal Church with emphasis on Indigenous communities. I have a BA in American History from the University of Maryland and a Master of Divinity from The General Theological Seminary of the Episcopal Church. I have worked, when time allows, in art and design since the early 80’s.


Many of my interests and hobbies relate to my identity as a visual artist. I have an affinity for the exploration of the intersection of art and spirituality. In the Spring of 2018 I spent my sabbatical at that intersection. I love to read on topics that range widely and I like to be informed. I write creatively when the spirit moves me. Music is a great passion for me, leading me to begin learning, in recent years, how to play the electric guitar. I like being outdoors walking, whether it be in the city or country. And I’m always up for a new adventure.