In this critical moment in human history, treat yourself to some of the timeless wisdom shared over the years in Fellowship magazine.
As the oldest continuously-published spiritually-rooted peace journal in the United States, it has inspired and educated people concerned about peace, justice, and compassion for nearly a century, and now you can collect that treasure trove of wisdom for yourself.
From now through the month of February, we are making the surplus of our archival collection of Fellowship available to you for just $1.00 per issue.
Always in service to FOR’s mission, the list of contributors has been a veritable Who’s Who of nonviolent philosophy and action. From Jane Addams to Dorothy Day to Howard Thurman, Thomas Merton, Daniel Berrigan, James Lawson, Vincent Harding, Thich Nhat Hanh, Mairead Maguire, Desmond Tutu, Martin Luther King, and Mahatma Gandhi, its pages have carried the major tenets and debates in the peace and justice movement.
Purchase Fellowship back issues for $1 here!
You can learn about “How Nonviolence Works” by Glenn Smiley in the Oct/Nov 1990 issue, or consider Barbara Deming’s assertion that “We are All Part of One Another” in Oct/Nov 1984.
Or reach back further in time to September 1928 to read A.J. Muste’s essay on “Pacifism and Class Wars” or absorb M. K. Gandhi’s truth that “Nonviolence is the Greatest Force” in the October issue of The World Tomorrow 1926.
(*Note: the earlier issues are rare and our inventory is limited.)
Discover Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr’s “My Pilgrimage to Nonviolence” in Fellowship, Sept. 1958 where he writes, “Gandhi was probably the first person in history to lift the love ethic of Jesus above mere interaction between individuals to a powerful and effective social force on a large scale.”
Or James Farmer’s stated theory in “The Coming Revolt Against Jim Crow” (May 1945), that continues to guide movements today: “No great or oppressive evil is ever truly wiped out until the people oppressed by that evil, together with their sympathizers, refuse to participate in and cooperate with that evil.”
In July-August of 1986, Thich Nhat Hanh asked peacemakers in his essay “Being Peace” a question that some of us continue to grapple with as we endeavor to speak truth to power and encounter hateful rhetoric today:
“Can the peace movement talk in loving speech, showing the way to peace?”
And in his May 1967 article “Blessed are the Meek – The Roots of Christian Nonviolence,” Thomas Mertonreminded us: “Nonviolence has great power, provided it really witnesses to truth and not just to self-righteousness.”
If the past is prologue, then Fellowship magazine is essential reading for all peacemakers and nonviolent activists, as well as wonderfully enriching for scholars, historians, and all lovers of life.
And did I mention the photography? The covers of Fellowship are frame-worthy and, often, iconic photos; and within those covers you’ll find even more images and photographs of impressive people and events to thrill and inspire you.
The back issues featured in our bookstore are from 2004 to the present; however, we have issues dating back to the 1920s.
Maybe you’d like to give a beloved peacemaker friend or family member a Fellowship issue published in the year of their birth?
Or you’d like a birth year magazine as a gift for yourself?
Or maybe there are events from your
college years or a pivotal moment when you discovered nonviolence as your way, or another highlight moment from your life that you’d like to remember through the lens of this historic publication?
Just send an email to [email protected] and we’ll locate the magazine that you’re looking for.
Whenever I’ve felt disheartened or fatigued by the struggle, a mere glance at the annals of FOR provided in Fellowship magazine has always boosted my spirit by reminding me that I/we are standing on the shoulders of giants and that there’s an extraordinary cloud of witnesses whispering in my/our ears.
I hope you will take advantage of this opportunity to collect these wise and uplifting voices for your own home.