Martin Luther King and
the Montgomery Story
Curriculum and Study Guide

This curriculum and study guide was developed to help educators, community leaders, and organizers explore and connect with FOR’s 1957 comic book, Martin Luther King and the Montgomery Story. Included in the guide are background readings, guiding and discussion questions, K-12 classroom lesson activities, and recommendations for additional reading and learning. All of these aim to deepen, complicate, and supplement the text of the comic book itself, as well as to highlight and ask questions about connections between the Montgomery Bus Boycott, the civil rights movement of the 1950s and '60s in the United States, and various global struggles — past and present — for peace and justice.
To order copies of the Martin Luther King and the Montgomery Story comic book, click here.

Educators, organizers, and community leaders, we welcome your feedback as you use these materials and activities in your classrooms and communities. Please let us know here what you and your students think so that we can include your feedback in any future updates or revisions.

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