Join the Fellowship of Reconciliation and several ally groups for a live webinar and conversation with Sarah Thompson and Matt Guynn to learn more about the foundations of Kingian Nonviolence and how to put these practices into action when you see someone experiencing violence.

Sarah Thompson is executive director of Christian Peacemaker Teams, an organization committed to transforming violence and oppression through partnerships and direct action. Sarah is a dynamic and experienced trainer in nonviolence.

Matt Guynn is director of nonviolent social change organizing with On Earth Peace, where he works with community and faith groups to develop values, skills, and plans for proactive change efforts. He is a founder of the Kingian Nonviolence Coordinating Committee, and with that team he runs online leadership development programs for church groups, community leaders, and social change activists.

This webinar will be moderated by Ethan Vesely-Flad of the Fellowship of Reconciliation and is organized by BPFNA ~ Bautistas Por la Paz, Fellowship of Reconciliation, Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns, Presbyterian Peace Fellowship, and the United Church of Christ Justice and Witness Ministries.

Register now for this free webinar through Facebook.

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To join by phone: 646-558-8656 Access Code: 6731-95-9657#