No doubt you are well aware of the American Civil Liberties Union’s heroic resistance to threats to democracy, justice, and human rights in recent weeks. But did you know FOR-USA served as a “midwife” to the ACLU – as our leaders founded the National Civil Liberties Bureau (precursor to the ACLU) in 1916?

At the Fellowship of Reconciliation, we feel a unique measure of pride in the historic legal victories the ACLU has won, particularly in these days of growing resistance since November 9, 2016.
Give generously to FOR today to help us continue to build capacity at the grasssroots.
Thanks to your support, movement-building has been a key part of FOR’s work throughout the century since, and continues to this day. In partnership with you, FOR-USA has organized, launched, and/or fiscally sponsored dozens of creative initiatives for peace and justice, including:
Birthing multi-faith movements such the National Conference of Christians & Jews (NCCJ, 1923, later the National Conference on Community & Justice), and more than a dozen religious peace fellowships for Buddhists, Christians (Protestant, Catholic, and Orthodox), Jews, and Muslims
Playing a key role in the creation of three leading civil rights organizations, starting with the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE, 1942), followed by theSouthern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC, 1957) and the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC, 1960)
Constantly organizing to creatively resist militarism and warthrough coalitions such as the National Interreligious Service Board for Conscientious Objection (NISBCO, 1940, later theCenter on Conscience & War), Clergy and Laity Concerned against the Vietnam war (CALC, 1966), the Nuclear Freeze Campaign (1980, later becoming Peace Action), and September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows (2001)
Strengthening international solidarity movementsthrough helping launch the American Committee on Africa (ACOA, 1957), Servicio Paz y Justicia América Latina(SERPAJ, 1974), Peace Brigades International (PBI, 1981), Witness for Peace (1983), Interfaith Peace-Builders (IFPB, 2006), and FOR Peace Presence (2012)
Educating and strategizing for nonviolent social change, locally and globally, through the Committee for Non-Violent Action (CNVA, 1957), Creative Response to Conflict (CRC, 1972), the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (1974), Creating a Culture of Peace (CCP, 2001), and the Nonviolent Peaceforce (2002)
Today FOR-USA continues to act as a fiscal sponsor, incubator, and mentor to numerous emerging organizations, each of which are growing our collective movement for nonviolent social change.
In the past decade FOR has facilitated the launch and growth of a wide range of projects, from local community groups to international organizations. Current fiscal sponsorees include:
Arkansas Coalition for Peace & Justice — ACPJ is committed to a culture of peace, and building a country where domestic policies are sound and just, and where the world at large is treated with respect and dignity.
Mindful Cloud — based in Vienna, Austria, Mindful Cloud is a community of media professionals engaging the intersections of spiritual discipline and social transformation, utilizing a range of mindful media and technology to inspire insight, creative civic engagement, and social transformation.
Musicians without Borders — based in Amsterdam, MwB uses the power of music to bridge divides, connect communities, and heal the wounds of war. It currently runs community programs in Kosovo, Palestine, Rwanda, Uganda, Northern Ireland, and the Netherlands.
Shomeret Shalom — based in Northern California and engaged globally, Shomeret Shalom offers rabbinic ordination and training in the applied arts of Jewish nonviolence and peacebuilding, Judaic arts, and Torah Study, as well as public witness opportunities.
West Suburban Faith-based Peace Coalition — comprised of peacemakers from Chicago’s western suburbs, WSFPC holds prayer vigils, public witness, peace education, lobbying/ legislative initiatives, and interfaith dialogue.
Each of these groups, historically and in the present day — from the ACLU to the most nascent project creatively addressing a new need or concern — is building the just society we envision.
Give generously today to FOR to help us continue to build capacity through new projects and organizations that will grow to protect our freedoms and build peace worldwide. Thank you for your support!