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Ben & Jerry’s honor Rep. Lewis’ legacy with this livestream launch of THE LONG MARCH, a new art installation dedicated to telling the congressman’s story and inspiring everyone to get out and vote!
By Valerie Brown Writing in his journal, which was later published as Fragrant Palm Leaves, in Vietnam in 1965, Thich Nhat Hanh said, “Our faith is not built on shaky ground or esoteric understanding. It is faith in the strength
By Laura Hassler the pine gate closeda scintillating arrowleaves thetrembling string air ripsthe sun explodesorange blossoms fall, fall cover the yardThere is the shadowof infinity nhat hanh Written for Laura Hassler upon her return from Vietnam Judy Forilla was my
by Jim Forest In 1968, I was traveling with Thich Nhat Hanh on a Fellowship tour during which there were meetings with church and student groups, senators, journalists, professors, business people, and (blessed relief) a few poets. Almost everywhere he
by Paul R. Dekar for the 2020 Gandhi Peace Festival This article was written for the Gandhi Peace Festival, hosted by the city of Hamilton, Ontario on October 2, 2020–the Mahatma’s birth date. -ED By the 1920s, Gandhi had begun
Rev. Dr. Emma Jordan-Simpson participates in a panel discussion sponsored by UNFOLD ZERO on the elimination of nuclear weapons. Fellow participants include politicians, peace activists and artists from around the world, including the Rt. Hon. Jeremy Corbyn MP and musician
Robert P. Jones, CEO and founder of Public Religion Research Institute and a leading scholar of religion and politics, shares his latest work, “White Too Long: The Legacy of White Supremacy in American Christianity,” which puts forth a thorough examination of the history of interdenominational complicity with white supremacy, and argues for congregations to embrace a theology of racial justice.
Robert P. Jones, CEO and founder of Public Religion Research Institute and a leading scholar of religion and politics, shares his latest work, “White Too Long: The Legacy of White Supremacy in American Christianity,” which puts forth a thorough examination of the history of interdenominational complicity with white supremacy, and argues for congregations to embrace a theology of racial justice.
artist, designer, theologian, strategist, life-long activist and organizer, we are deeply saddened to announce the death of our colleague, Janisha R. Gabriel.