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Embed from Getty Images Max Hess, former Interim Executive Director of FOR-USA, is an Atlanta-based attorney who has been involved in peace and justice causes for decades. In the Q&A that follows, he recounts his experience trying and failing to
We, the undersigned human rights and humanitarian organizations, call on all stakeholders to ensure people in Iran have swift, unencumbered, and equitable access to safe, effective, and affordable Covid-19 vaccines. We particularly call on the government of the United States
With less than six weeks remaining in his presidency, President Donald Trump extended his legacy of fomenting division and sowing the seeds of instability, discord, and violence into a new foreign policy realm.
After a protracted legal odyssey, the Kings Bay Plowshares continue preach disarmament while preparing for their coming prison witness.
FOR USA’s executive director, Rev. Dr. Emma Jordan-Simpson, delivered the 31st Annual Salem Peace Lecture was held online on Thursday November 19th. Dr. Jordan-Simpson’s topic was “Unfinished Democracy: Making Good Trouble for Racial Equity.”
As the world focuses on election results and the growth in Covid-19 infections, the situation behind prison walls remains out of view for most of us. In New York State correctional institutions, however, coronavirus numbers surge at rates which counter
Dear FOR-USA family, As I write you just after Election Day, from my home in the great republic of Brooklyn, New York, the election results are not yet fully known. What is certain, however, is that we have a great
“We’re in the crosshairs of the intersection of climate disruption and the overwhelming ill effects of the domination code that is inbred in our culture.”
The Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR-USA) joins peace-loving people around the world in celebrating the ratification this week of the United Nations Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. Passage of the treaty happened on October 24, 2020, an already auspicious date —
This article originally appeared in Waging Nonviolence. Turnout, especially in polarized times like these, wins elections. The stakes in this election — whether we have a livable planet, whether kids are incarcerated in detention centers and, perhaps, whether we continue