
Anthony Nicotera, J.D., D.S.W., L.S.W.


Dr. Anthony Nicotera (J.D., D.S.W., L.S.W.) is an educator, development professional, licensed social worker, and executive manager and leader. He has over 20 years of spiritual and clinical counseling, coaching, and teaching experience, as well as nonprofit leadership and management experience. A long-time member of FOR-USA, in 2019 Anthony joined the organization’s team as lead consultant and counsel for Mission Advancement and Development. Anthony also serves as Assistant Professor at Seton Hall University in the Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work.

Previously, Anthony taught at NYU’s Silver School of Social Work, where for more than a decade he led courses in social justice, nonviolent peacemaking, and multi-faith leadership as part of NYU’s Global Center for Academic and Spiritual Life. He  also directed foundation relations at Rutgers University; helped found Newark New Jersey’s Cristo Rey High School; served as Chaplain to the College of Law and School for New Learning via DePaul University’s Center for Spirituality and Values in Practice, which he co-founded; and co-founded DePaul’s Peace, Conflict Resolution and Social Justice Studies program.

He spent six years as a Jesuit, where he completed the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises, a 30-day silent retreat, and worked internationally with Mother Teresa, and domestically in prisons, hospice facilities, inner-city parishes and schools, and legal and social service centers.

Anthony has been arrested some 20 times for nonviolent civil disobedience. His spiritual and activist commitments have led him to be interviewed in various print and online media, as well as for the Emmy-nominated PBS documentary Where We Stood.  He has also worked with FOR members Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire and Zen Master Thich Nhat Hahn, helping promote a culture of peace and nonviolence for the children of the world, and helping produce the award-winning film The 5 Powers, a mixed media documentary about Thich Nhat Hanh, Sister Chan Khong, and Alfred Hassler, and their relationship with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Anthony’s Teaching Note, “Circle of Insight: A Paradigm and Pedagogy for Liberation Social Justice Social Work Education,” was published by the Journal of Social Work Education, and his multimedia project Circle of Insight is a resource for social work educators and all interested in social justice pedagogy and practice.